The nation of Israel is the most prominent and important nation mentioned in the Bible. The name ISRAEL is inhertited from the patriarch JACOB, whose name was changed by God to ISRAEL, meaning to “Rule as a Prince with God“. The lineal descendants of JACOB-ISRAEL formed the nation Israel. To understand the importance of Israel to God’s plan and purpose it is necessary to go back in history to the calling of ABRAM and the establishment of the ABRAHAMIC COVENANT.




The Establishment of the Abrahamic Covenant
  • The Sojourn in Egypt
  • The Calling of Moses and the Exodus
  • The Old Covenant Delivered at Mount Sinai
  • Forty Years Wandering in the Wilderness
  • Entering the Promised Land
  • The Period of the Judges
  • The United Kingdom under Three Kings
  • The Divided Kingdom
    • The Northern House of Israel
    • The Southern House of Judah
    • The Assyrian Invasions & Israel Deported
    • The Babylonian Invasion & Judah Exiled
    • Westward Migration of the Northern House of Israel
    • Return of the Exiled of Judah